Injury Compensation Lawyers

Head And Back Injury

Head And Back Injury

If you sustain a head or back injury you could be entitled to compensation and you need to obtain advice ASAP as strict

time limits apply on the majority of claims. Compensation could include:-

  • Loss of earnings
  • Medical expenses
  • Out of pocket expenses
  • Direct financial compensation for any permanent injury sustained
  • Any other losses incurred as a result of the injury sustained

The laws, time limits and thresholds for compensation claims vary depending on the circumstances of the injury suffered and therefore Injury Helpline should be consulted today regarding your individual circumstances and entitlements.

Even if no one was to blame or even you were at fault for an accident at work you may still have compensation entitlements including a lump sum payout under Workers Compensation. Also in Victoria or the Northern Territory they have a non-fault motor vehicle CTP (Green slip) scheme which covers losses including potential lump sum payouts for anyone injured in an accident involving a motor vehicle.

Call Us Now: 1800 332 333 for a free claim review today.